食譜 ~ 牛肝菌意大利飯 (Porcini Risotto)


意大利米 150g
牛肝菌 10g ( 浸軟切條)
鴻喜菇 (或什菌)150g
洋蔥 1/2個(切碎)
橄欖油 少許
雞湯 500ml
白酒 40ml
鹽 少許
黑椒 少許
番茜 少許(切碎)

1. 先下油炒香洋蔥至軟,加入牛肝菌及什菇炒香。
2. 轉中小火,加入意大利米,先加入白酒並攪拌, 其間分數次逐少加入雞湯再慢慢攪拌煮至收乾水,再加少許雞湯再煮。

3. 約9分鐘後,開始逐少加入浸牛肝菌的水(約1碗),繼續攪拌。收乾湯後再繼續加湯攪,最後約剩下80ml上湯。
4. 煮至18分鐘,再將最後剩下的湯倒入拌勻,蓋上蓋,轉最小火焗煮約8分鐘。若想飯再軟一點可焗耐一點時間。開蓋後觀察濕度,若太濕可轉大一點火攪煮把湯收乾,再加入牛油攪勻。

5. 最後下鹽、黑胡椒及番茜碎便完成。

150g arborio rice
10g porcini  (soaked and sliced)
150g beech mushroom or other mushrooms
1/2 onion (diced)
some olive oil
1 tsp butter
500ml chicken stock
40ml white wine
some salt
some black pepper
some parsley (chopped)

1. Heat the oil and stir fry the onion until soften. Add the porcini and mushrooms and stir fry.
2. Turn to medium heat, add the rice. First mix with white wine. Then add the chicken stock little by little for several times. Mix and cook until the liquid is absorbed.  Add little chicken stock again and cook.
3. After about 9 minutes, add the porcini water little by little (about a bowl). Continue to mix. After the liquid is absorbed. Add the chicken stock until about 80ml left. 
4. Cook until 18 minutes. Add the remaining chicken stock and mix. Cover the lid and simmer for about 8 minutes. If you want softer rice,  you can simmer for longer time.  Take out the lid and check if the rice is dry enough. If it is too wet, cook with high heat until the liquid is absorbed.  Mix with butter lastly.
5. Season with salt and black pepper. Add the chopped parsley and serve.
